On Wednesday, June 27, 2012 12:27:17 AM UTC-5, Yanis Guenane wrote:
> What I actually would like it to create a kind of dependency.
> I would like that a parameter X of any instance of  type 'b' *depends* on 
> the path param of the 'a' resource instance namely passed as a parameter.
> file {'test' :
>>  ensure => present,
>>  name => 'test.txt',
>>  *within* => dir,
>> }
>> file {'dir' :
>>  ensure => directory,
>>  name => 'dir',
>>  path => '/tmp'
>> }
> This is not the best example since file does not work this way but its the 
> closest one to what I would like.
> Imagine file was a custom type, so I know in the *within *param I am 
> expecting a File[] resource insance. I'd like to know if there is any way I 
> can get the parameters of this resource instance (dir)? (Something like 
> extrapolating it, or accessing it through catalog)
> In the previous case File['test'] will end up being located at 
> '/tmp/text.txt', appending dir.path + test.name, without specifying the 
> path in File['test'] but just the directory it depends on.
> I hope I could explain myself a bit better,

Yes, you did, and that's pretty much what I had supposed you were after.  
Chances are good that you could force this to work, but I cannot advise you 
about details, and I recommend you do not follow this path.  Nothing else 
in Puppet works the way you describe.

More generally, despite appearances, implementation language, and some of 
the terminology used in the Puppet community, Puppet DSL is not an 
object-oriented language in any conventional sense, but that's how you want 
to make it behave (albeit only within the confines of your custom type).  
The fact that you are trying to do something so non-idiomatic should give 
you pause. 

The usual ways to approach this sort of problem all involve making multiple 
classes and / or resources pull data from the same source, typically one of 
global or class variables, defined type parameters, an external data 
repository, or class parameters.  For example, if the two associated 
resources are going to be declared together, then you could do this:

define my_module::file_and_directory($filename, $dir) {
  file {$dir :
   ensure => directory,

  file {"${dir}/${filename}":
   ensure => present,

my_module::file_and_directory { "foo":
  filename => 'file',
  dir => '/tmp'


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