Dear all, I'm trying to do mass update ssh-accounts by ENC Puppet DSL. I found great reference in from Jan-Piet , if anyone had test it may be could help me in a couple issues.
1) I got "Duplicate definition" error while calling define resource one{ $user_array: } to workaround I change defined resource like define one_user($arr) , so to call it one_user{ 'tit': arr => $res } . Jan-Piet said 'to call my one_user() "function" once for each array element' , It's essencial for the mass load but How to do it ?. 2) Testing are tell me that input parameter class for inline_template() has not hash structure instead it is array. Putting function split in a head of class having unique sense to check for structure is tell me that parameter is an array not expected string variable. Why ? My test , I inserted some comments ## upercase : class updssh( $users ) { $users_array = split($users, '[ ;]') ## NO SENSE , ONLY FOR CHECK $users VARIABLE STRUCTURE notify{'MSG1': message => "$users" } $res = inline_template( ## RETURN ARRAY "<% users.each_with_index do |usr, i| -%> <% usr.each do |k,v| -%> <%= k %>:<%= usr[k]['email'] %>:<%= v['type'] %>:<%= v['key'] %> <% end -%> ; <% end -%>") # Now create an array from that result $users_array = split($res, '[ ;]') ## $res IS AN ARRAY NOT AN STRING VARIABLE !!! #one_user{ $users_array: } ## HOW TO DO IT ?? one_user{ 'tit': ## WORKAROUNT AVOIDING "Duplicate definition" error arr => $res ### SAME RETURN FROM INLINE, } define one_user($arr) { ## $u = split($title, '[:]') $u = split($arr, '[:]') $username = $u[0] $email = $u[1] $type = $u[2] $dd = $u[6] $msg = sprintf('user=%s, email=%s, type=%s , dd=%s', $username, $email, $type, $dd) notify{'MSG': message => "$msg" } } } The ENC data are : --- parameters: {} classes: updssh: users: - ppuser7: type: ssh-rsa user_auth: JOJOXX user_ssh: ppuser7 key: XXLLAVEXX_DE_PRUEBA_UPD_SSH_PARA_PPUSER7 email: - ppuser8: type: ssh-rsa user_ssh: ppuser8 key: LLAVEXX_DE_PRUEBA_UPD_SSH_PARA_PPUSER8 email: Any suggestion ?. Thanks in advanced, eduardo. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at