On 06/07/2012 11:30 AM, Andy Taylor wrote:
> 1. Have Varnish/non-Varnish systems separated by environment and have
> a conditional in the module which changes the listen port dependent on
> the environment of the node;

What do you mean by "environment"? I think this should be a hiera based
approach, which would seem all right to me.

> 2. Use the 'defined' function (I've done a fair bit of reading on
> this, and it looks like it isn't really recommended due to parse order
> issues, and might even be removed in a future Puppet release)

Exactly. Don't do this.

> 3. Have the Varnish module create a resource of some sort and have the
> Apache module check for its existence. But I assume I will run into
> parse ordering issues with this, unless I put Varnish in a pre run
> stage or similar.

As long as your dependencies are simple, you can do a subclass based
approach. Say your apache port is defined inside the apache::config
class, you could devise something like this:

class apache::config::alt_port($port) inherits apache::config {
  # override the contents of ports config file
  File["/etc/apache2/ports.conf"] { content => ... }

Then the varnish module includes this subclass

class { "apache::config::alt_port": port => "8080" }

Note that this will get you in trouble as soon as two separate instances
want to fiddle with apache's port.
A hiera based approach will most likely allow you to keep things much


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