On 30/05/12 19:10, Matthew Burgess wrote:
> On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 5:11 PM, Brice Figureau
> <brice-pup...@daysofwonder.com> wrote:
>> Hi Matthew,
>> As the original author of puppet-load (and the aforementioned blog
>> post), I'm sorry to answer so late to this thread.
>> On Wed, 2012-05-30 at 16:32 +0100, Matthew Burgess wrote:
>>>> Apologies for taking so long to get back about this, more pressing
>>>> matters took precedence.  So, back on this, I think I must be doing
>>>> something really daft then, as I've made that change to my auth.conf
>>>> file and still get the same forbidden errors.
>>> Indeed, I was doing something really daft.  I'd added the changes to
>>> the bottom of auth.conf.  2 things were wrong in doing that:
>>> a) Adding anything below the 'path /' stanza isn't going to be picked
>>> up, I don't think (I noticed this when trying to get 'puppet kick' to
>>> work and got
>>> similar 403 errors when trying to access /run)
>>> b) There's already a 'path ~ ^/catalog/([^/]+)$' stanza in the default
>>> auth.conf file, so the settings there were being hit before my new
>>> stanza at the bottom
>>> of the file.  By adding 'allow master.domain.com' and 'auth any' to
>>> the default stanza the 403s have disappeared.
>>> Now though, is my next problem.  puppet-load works fine with
>>> concurrency set to 1.  As soon as I increase that number though, I get
>>> the following error:
>>> undefined method `>' for ["2.7.14", "2.7.14"]:Array on node 
>>> master.domain.com
>> Where do you get this error?
>> Is it from puppet-load or your current master stack?
>> Is there any stack trace printed?
> The error appears in /var/log/messages and is being spit out by the
> puppet master.
>> Can you add --debug and --trace to the puppet-load command line?
> I've added --debug, but there's no --trace option.

My bad, there is no --trace in puppet-load. But there is one for puppet
master. Running your master with --debug and --trace will definitely
print a stack trace.

>From there, I believe I should be able to understand what really happens.

My gut feeling right now is that the facts puppet-load sends to the
master are somehow not correct, but I can be wrong of course.

> debug just shows the facts file being picked up, then both clients
> finishing with an HTTP code 400.  No stack trace is printed.
> I've also added --debug to the puppetmaster's config.ru file.  That's
> printing lots of stuff about access lists, expiring the nodes and then
> caching the node, then I get the undefined method error.  Again, no
> stack trace :-(
> So, I took mod_passenger out of the equation and ran 'puppetmasterd
> --no-daemonize --debug --verbose --logdest /tmp/puppet-error.log' and
> get the following:
> Wed May 30 18:02:22 +0100 2012 Puppet (info): Expiring the node cache
> of master.domain.com
> Wed May 30 18:02:22 +0100 2012 Puppet (info): Expiring the node cache
> of master.domain.com
> Wed May 30 18:02:23 +0100 2012 Puppet (info): Not using expired node
> for master.domain.com from cache; expired at Wed May 30 18:01:22 +0100
> 2012
> Wed May 30 18:02:23 +0100 2012 Puppet (info): Not using expired node
> for master.domain.com from cache; expired at Wed May 30 18:01:22 +0100
> 2012
> Wed May 30 18:02:23 +0100 2012 Puppet (debug): Executing
> '/etc/puppet/enc.pl master.domain.com'
> Wed May 30 18:02:23 +0100 2012 Puppet (debug): Executing
> '/etc/puppet/enc.pl master.domain.com'
> Wed May 30 18:02:24 +0100 2012 Puppet (debug): Using cached facts for
> master.domain.com
> Wed May 30 18:02:24 +0100 2012 Puppet (debug): Using cached facts for
> master.domain.com
> Wed May 30 18:02:24 +0100 2012 Puppet (info): Caching node for 
> master.domain.com
> Wed May 30 18:02:24 +0100 2012 Puppet (info): Caching node for 
> master.domain.com
> Wed May 30 18:02:24 +0100 2012 Puppet (err): undefined method `>' for
> ["2.7.14", "2.7.14"]:Array on node master.domain.com
> Wed May 30 18:02:24 +0100 2012 Puppet (err): undefined method `>' for
> ["2.7.14", "2.7.14"]:Array on node master.domain.com
> Wed May 30 18:02:24 +0100 2012 Puppet (err): undefined method `>' for
> ["2.7.14", "2.7.14"]:Array on node master.domain.com
> Wed May 30 18:02:24 +0100 2012 Puppet (err): undefined method `>' for
> ["2.7.14", "2.7.14"]:Array on node master.domain.com
> Wed May 30 18:02:32 +0100 2012 Puppet (notice): Caught INT; calling stop
> Now, interestingly, I guess, is that every other run of puppet-load is
> triggering this issue, so adding '--repeat 2' to my puppet-load
> command line will trigger the issue consistently for me (as in 2
> requests will succeed, 2 will fail).  If you want full debug logs of
> that type of run, I'll be more than happy to provide them.

Probably that the stacktrace you'll get with --trace will be enough for
the moment. Also if you can cat the facts file (feel free to obfuscate
the private data you might have in there), that might help.

Brice Figureau
My Blog: http://www.masterzen.fr/

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