On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 6:06 AM, tiochan <tioc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all!
> I'm new on puppet, and I making my firsts classes.


> I have defined an example class to install 7Zip on Windows servers, it
> runs right, but I would like to improve it.
> The problem is that each time that I execute the "puppet agent --test" it
> downloads the 7zip.msi file, although it is really installed.

When using a file resource, Puppet should only transfer the file if there
is a mis-match between the local file and the copy on the puppet master.

Could you paste the output of puppet agent --test so we can see why the
file is being transfered more than once?  Do you happen to be removing the
MSI from C:\Software\ between puppet runs?  If so, Puppet will just put the
file right back in place.

> So, my question is:
> Is possible to avoid the download of the associated source file, I there
> is no need to install it?
> This is the code:
> class software_dir {
>     file { 'SOFTWARE_DIR':
>         path => 'C:\\SOFTWARE',
>         ensure => directory,
>     }
> }
> class 7Zip() {
>     include software_dir
>     $7Zip_source = 'puppet://puppet.upc.edu/modules/windows/7z920.msi'
>     $7Zip_path = 'C:\\SOFTWARE\\7z920.msi'
>     $7Zip_package_name = '7-zip 9.20'
>     file { $7Zip_path:
>         source  => $7Zip_source;
>     }
>     package { $7Zip_package_name:
>         ensure => installed,
>         provider => 'msi',
>         source => File[$7Zip_path],

I think this line above should be source => "${7Zip_path}"  It shouldn't
contain a reference to the _resource_ File[$7Zip_path] but instead simply
the string that contains the path.

I'm not sure this is actually the problem though.  I think the output of
puppet agent --test will help diagnose this further.


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