Dear all,

I'm trying to figure out how to do this - first copy a "common" file to 
every node and then modify the file according to the node type. I've tried 

if $node_type == 'wn' {
>         $port = '8649'
>         $desc = 'Worker Nodes'
> }
> exec {    
>     'n_desc':    
>     command     => "sed -ic '/cluster {/,/}/s/name = \"[^\"]*\"/name = 
> \"\'\"$desc\"\'\"/' '$fname'",
>     subscribe   => File["$fname"],
>     refreshonly => false;
>     'n_port':
>     command     => "sed -ic '/port\ =\ /{s:[0-9]*$:$port:g}' '$fname'",
>     subscribe   => File["$fname"],
>     refreshonly => false;
> }
> file {
>     'gmond.conf':
>      name    => "$fname",
>      source  => 'puppet:///modules/ganglia/gmond.conf',
>      require => Exec['n_desc','n_port'],
>      notify  => Service['gmond'];
> }

The problem is the *Exec['n_desc','n_port'] *is being executed but then it 
changing back to the original one as supplied by:  *source  => 
'puppet:///modules/ganglia/gmond.conf'*, which is definitely not what I 
want. How can I make sure it copy the file first and then make the changes? 
Or, simply how do I do that? Cheers!! 

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