Wow, these are great news!

I've just installed it on an Ubuntu 12.04 and it was really painless.
For whoever might be interested I made an instant module for this: 
with default Example42 NextGen layout (so it still misses puppetdb specific 
resources and the PuppetMaster integration).

Reading the docs it opens a universe of possible uses.. Looking forward to 
start to integrate it on a real environment... too bad it's friday :-D

+1 guys!
(and +1 to Brice for the huge work he did on Store Configs that made 
possible great things on Puppet ... and that we 're probably going to trash 
away soon :-)


On Friday, May 18, 2012 4:21:26 PM UTC+2, Michael Stanhke wrote:
> PuppetDB, a component of the Puppet Data Library, is a centralized storage 
> daemon for auto-generated data. This initial release of PuppetDB targets 
> the 
> storage of catalogs and facts: 
> *  It’s a drop-in, 100% compatible replacement for storeconfigs 
> *  It’s a drop-in, 100% compatible replacement for inventory service 
> *  It hooks into your Puppet infrastructure using Puppet’s pre-existing 
>    extension points (catalog/facts/resource/node terminuses) 
> *  It’s much faster, much more space-efficient, and much more scalable 
> than current 
>    storeconfigs and the current inventory service. 
>    *  We can handle a few thousand nodes, with several hundred 
> resources each, with a 30m 
>       runinterval on our laptops during development. 
> *  It stores the entire catalog, including all dependency and 
> containment information 
> *  It exposes well-defined, HTTP-based methods for accessing stored 
> information 
> *  Documented at 
> *  It presents a superset of the storeconfigs and inventory service 
> APIs for use in scripts 
>     or by other tools 
>     *  In particular, we support arbitrarily nested boolean operators 
> *  It decouples catalog and fact storage from the compilation process 
>     *  Goodbye puppetq...PuppetDB subsumes it 
> *  It works Very Hard to store everything you send it; we auto-retry 
> all storage requests, persist 
>    storage requests across restarts, and preserve full traces of all 
> failed requests for 
>    post-mortem analysis 
> *  It’s secured using Puppet’s built-in SSL infrastructure 
> *  It’s heavily instrumented and easy to integrate its performance info 
> into 
>    your monitoring frameworks 
> As this is the first public release, the version is 0.9.0 (a.k.a. “open 
> beta”). 
> While we’ve been using PuppetDB internally at Puppet Labs for months 
> without 
> incident, we encourage you to try it out, hammer it with data, and let us 
> know 
> if you run into any issues! A 1.0 release will come after a few cycles of 
> bug 
> squashing. 
> # Downloads 
> Available in native package format at 
> Source (same license as Puppet): 
> Available for use with Puppet Enterprise 2.5.1 and later at 
> and 
> # Documentation (including how to install): 
> # Issues can be filed at: 
> Michael Stahnke 
> Community Manager 
> Puppet Labs 

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