----- Luke Bigum <luke.bi...@lmax.com> wrote:
> On 18/05/12 04:04, Dan White wrote:
> > In a posting a few days ago was this hiera.yaml source listing:
> > ---------------------------------
> > :backends: - json
> > :hierarchy:  - %{fqdn}
> >               - %{lmax_role}_role
> >               - %{lmax_env}_server
> >               - %{pop}.tradefair
> >               - common
> > :json:
> >     :datadir: - /etc/puppet/private/
> >               - /etc/puppet/environments/%{environment}/hiera_data_store/
> >               - /etc/puppet/environments/%{environment}/rebirth_data_store/
> >               - 
> > /etc/puppet/environments/%{environment}/satellite_system_groups/
> > ---------------------------------
> >
> > I am curious how one might utilize this configuration.
> Hi Dan,
> That's my own terrible modifications to Hiera to support multiple data 
> stores of the same type. Code is here, but I warn you, I hacked in the 
> quickest way to get the functionality I wanted. I only modify 
> hiera-json, would be simple to do any others though:
> https://github.com/lukebigum/hiera
> https://github.com/lukebigum/hiera-json
> As for use cases, a more elegant description is in this feature request: 
> http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/13954
> > Can the same key value appear in more than one datadir ?
> Yes, but precedence is taken just like Hiera's natural hierarchy, so 
> data stores at the start of the array have higher priority. In my case 
> for example, "hiera_data_store" overrides "satellite_system_groups".
> > Or does one use the multiple datadir's to group keys in some fashion ?
> >
> That was the the original idea of the hack - I had data coming from 
> several places - some JSON written by hand, some generated by scripts 
> (the 'satellite_system_groups' store is a dump of our old Red Hat 
> Satellite System Groups and 'rebirth_data_store' is procedurally 
> generated). I could have modified the generating scripts to read any 
> existing JSON and write out a merged file, but I was rushing and I 
> didn't think of that at the time ;-)
> It has managed to keep a nice logical separation of types of Hiera keys 
> though and you can put your data stores in different locations, like 
> having a 'private' dir for password hashes that's not under revision 
> control. This leads to giving our Development team a Git repo that's the 
> lowest priority data store and allow them to specify their own keys to 
> configure their Dev servers. Any Admin still has the ability to 
> overwrite any key in an data store above it, so it stops them doing 
> anything silly like changing passwords, LDAP servers, etc, as these keys 
> will already be set by us (Admins).
> -Luke

Thanks for responding, Luke.

This looks like a useful expansion of the hiera back-end, but as I am still 
fairly new to Puppet (and Python and Ruby for that matter), I think I will wait 
for this to be formally accepted and incorporated before trying it myself.

One parting question: Is the :hierarchy: repeated in each mamber of the 
:datadir: ?  Logically, it should repeat, but I'd rather ask and be certain.

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the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.”
Bill Waterson (Calvin & Hobbes)

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