Hello all,

I am sure that many of my questions may be answered in other topics or into 
the documentation but I can not clear my mind about how to perform some 
tasks that I want to accomplish.

To get you into context, I have been developing some puppet configuration 
files that deal with deployment of our company systems and its 
dependencies. Those environments obviously require an underlying 
infrastructure (a tomcat, glassfish or oracle) that is installed and 
provided by puppet. In order to accomplish that we did choose to take 
advantage of our nexus server to provide our binaries to puppet and use its 
hierarchy. We developed some ruby functions placed at lib folder that 
download those files and leave them at a specific location of our machine 
(we did choose ruby in order to get a platform independent download 

This worked flawlessly when we were working through puppet apply mode (our 
virtual machines were provided by Virtual Box and Vagrant) since the agent 
was some kind of server-agent and could perform all actions by itself.

Recently I have been moving forward a puppet master (there are a lot of 
distribution issues in stand-alone agents) that would serve catalogs and 
several agents that could be located at either physical or virtual machines 
(cloud if possible). With this change I have found that, as documentation 
says, functions are executed at master computer so the files that I need 
are downloaded at the master... How can I solve this and at the same time 
not break stand-alone provisioning?

I have been looking at fileserve.conf in order to fix a specific folder (I 
would have to work out how to set that folder at either Windows and Linux) 
file serving but I do not know if there is a better solution... Does puppet 
provide a best practice for this? An automagically mounted file provider 
(like the one of the folder files at modules).


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