Nagios is not being restarted because the _state_ of the file isn't changing, 
it went from present to present. If you want the contents of the file to 
trigger the restart, then you have to manage the contents of the file with 
puppet (either with a content or source parameter)
If you just want a trigger file β€” and don't care about the contents themselves 
β€”to restart nagios, you could use "ensure => absent". That would delete the 
file and notify the nagios3 resource.

That being said, the nagios resources are pretty easy to work with, if you want 
to build that file with puppet. 

β€” Mason Turner (mobile)

On May 15, 2012, at 7:21 AM, nichu <> wrote:

> I wanted to configure file monitoring on puppet. every time file
> change I wanted the service to be restarted...
> it seemed easy but I can't do it...
> i used it:
> (..)
>        service { 'nagios3':
>                 ensure  => "running",
>                 enable => "true",
>                 hasstatus => "true",
>                 hasrestart=> "true",
>                 require => Package["nagios3"],
>        }
> (..)
>        file { '/etc/nagios3/conf.d/puppet_services.cfg':
>                 ensure => "present",
>                 owner  => "root",
>                 group  => "root",
>                 mode => 644,
>                 notify => Service["nagios3"],
>        }
> when i change the file puppet sees it , but it doesn't restart nagios
> service
> could anyone help me on that? :)
> Best regards
> nichu
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