I agree with Justin, we use controltier (essentially rundeck) for this.

On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 9:43 AM, Justin Ellison <jus...@techadvise.com>wrote:

> IMO, Puppet isn't quite the right fit for application deployments in a lot
> of situations.  In Drupal-speak - if you have multiple Drupal frontends
> with a shared MySQL backend, Puppet doesn't fit for deployments very well.
>  What you need in that case is an orchestration tool.
> Why?  Puppet cares about state, but it's not the best thing for applying
> states to machines at a certain time in a certain order.  Often times with
> Drupal, you have a workflow to complete as part of a deployment: 1) Put up
> the maintenance page 2) Upgrade the application server code 3) Upgrade the
> db.  If the DB gets upgraded before all the appservers are running the
> latest code, fun ensues.
> There's all kinds of tools that are more ideal for that - Jenkins,
> Capistrano, MCollective, and Rundeck are a few.
> We use Puppet to initially setup a machine to participate in the cluster.
>  When provisioned, it will have the same revision of code as everything
> else.  However, for coordinated deployments of already deployed
> applications, we rely upon other tools.
> HTH,
> Justin
> On Thursday, April 19, 2012 10:05:01 PM UTC-5, Will S. G. wrote:
>> I'm trying to convince my company to use puppet as the release management
>> engine to publish the bits for Drupal to the web servers. The reason why I
>> want this is to cut off the developers from production, but also create a
>> process and procedure for code release to the stage and production
>> environments. While this is possible, my question is, do you use puppet in
>> such manner?
>> Thanks.
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