Hi all,
I am currently writing tests for puppet modules with Rspec but have no
success with chained expressions.

Example =

class example::database ($username,$password) {
  require mysql::server

 mysql_database { "example":
  ensure => 'present'
  } -> mysql_user { "${username}@somewhere":
  ensure => 'present',
 password_hash => mysql_password($password)
} -> file {"/etc/database.yml":
     ensure => 'present'
    notify => Class['example::service']
    content => template('example/database.yml)

How do I write Rspec test for this module?
I have read every blog and post on Rspec and have not got any wiser.
I am a total Ruby newbie and I am using :
rspec "2.9.0",
puppet "2.7.1",
rspec-puppet "0.1.2"

Any tips, hints in right direction are welcome.

Kind Regards,

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