On 30 March 2012 20:18, Stefan Wiederoder

> thanks Eric,
> ensure did the trick, now I´m stuck while trying to use a facter variable
> within the line statement:
>     file_line { "tmpfs entry":
>         line => "tmpfs  /dev/shm    tmpfs   size=${kis_tmpfs_size}  0 0",
>         path => "/etc/fstab.d/system.fstab",
>         ensure => present
>     }
> maybe it´s better to try validate_string.

Per Dan White - you should be using puppet built in resources for the job:
the "host" resource for modifying /etc/hosts and the "mount" resource for
modifying /etc/fstab -

I define $tmpfs_size elsewhere

    mount{ "/tmp":
        ensure  => mounted,
        device  => "tmpfs",
        fstype  => "tmpfs",
        pass    => "0",
        dump    => "0",
        options => "size=${tmpfs_size}m,mode=1777",


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