Running puppet-2.6.13-2.el6.noarch on CentOS 6.

define backup($apphost, $appfqdn) {
    cron { "backup-${apphost}-daily":
        command => "/usr/bin/rsync -a $appfqdn:backups/ $backdir/daily
        hour    => "2",
        minute  => fqdn_rand(60),

then elsewhere

    @@backup { $::hostname:
        appfqdn => $::fqdn,
        apphost => $::hostname,

Easy enough, or so I thought.  Some time after I initially wrote this,
I investigated some I/O spikes and sure enough, all of my backups are
running at the same minute -- the fqdn_rand is being calculated for
the backup server, not for the slaves being backed up.

I have worked around this by passing in a $minute argument, but this
seems a bit inelegant -- the slave certainly has no business
determining the backup schedule.  Other than a feature request for
fqdn_rand to allow a value to be passed in, any ideas on a more
elegant way to accomplish this?  Criticism welcome!

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