On Mar 6, 12:40 pm, "chris_sny...@sra.com" <chris_sny...@sra.com>
> I have to say I'm very disapointed right now with the state of Puppet. It
> seems that the official documentation is pushing parameterized classes but
> at the same time there are very serious drawbacks to their usage.

I agree that that is a sore spot, and I can assure you that the
PuppetLabs staff is aware of it.  As with any small company, however,
there is more work to be done than hands to do it, even if you factor
in community contributions.  The staff is very responsive to community
comment, so perhaps you can see your way clear to cutting PuppetLabs
some slack.

> Additionally, they are trying to sunset the use of dynamically scoped
> variables which appear (to me anyway) to be the preferred method of the
> community at large (based upon my research on the web and this mailing
> list) to completing tasks. (I've lost track of the number of references
> I've seen that basically say, 'ignore them and go on'.)

Dynamic scoping is a preferred method because at one time it was the
*only* method.  Even then it posed unavoidable consistency problems,
however, and these sometimes bit real users.

Many uses of dynamically scoped variables can trivially be converted
to fully-qualified variables.  You should not be writing new code that
relies on dynamic scoping, and you should be wary of third-party code
that relies on it.  Getting rid of dynamic scoping is a good thing.

> Regardless, it appears to me that no matter what I do, I will probably find
> my self having to refactor large portions of my code when 2.8 is released;
> either I'll be removing lots of 'includes' or changing lots of class defs
> and updating usage.  This does not instill confidence in me, nor does it
> inspire me to dive right in.  I really feel I've approached Puppet at a
> very unstable point in it's existence where there is no 'right answer' and
> the 'recommended patterns' will probably radically change in a year or so
> and at this time I'm not sure it's worth the effort.

I do not work for PL, but I am confident in assuring you that you can
write modules that will work fine now and for the foreseeable future.
I think it's also safe to assume that most third-party modules that
are worth using will be updated for Telly soon after it is released
(though I confess that my criteria for "worth using" include being
supported by the author).

Puppet remains an actively developed project.  I think that's a good
thing, but it has meant approimately one new major version every year
since I have used the software.  Backwards compatibility has been
pretty good, with the upcoming removal of dynamic scoping being the
only absolutely breaking change I can think of over the last few
years.  Nevertheless, Puppet development is fast-moving.

> I hate to say it, but I think I need to go investigate a few other tools (a
> la Chef, CFEngine, etc.) before I commit any more time to Puppet.

By all means do consider your alternatives.  I think Puppet is a great
tool, but no one tool is best for everyone.


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