
I have the following basic node definition

    node 'mynode' {
      class { 'oracle::server': }
      class { 'oracle::patch::patchA':
        require => Class['oracle::server'],
      class { 'oracle::patch::patchB':
        require => Class['oracle::server'],
      oracle::instance { 'foo':
        require => [ 'oracle::server', ??? ],

And the following constraints

- The foo resource depends on oracle::server but it does
  also depend on ALL oracle::patch::XX classes
- The patches I want to install on different nodes may vary

so my problem is

- I can modify the patch classes to also specifiy `before => instanceFoo,
  instanceBar` etc but this seems ugly
- Setting require => Class['oracle::patch::patchA','oracle::patch::patchB']
  for all instances does also feel wrong.

I tried to work around this with stages but I cannot assign a stage to
oracle::instance because stages are just allowed at class level, not
resource level.

How would you solve the issue? I thought about one parameterized
oracle::patch class that (based on a the parameters) includes the
specific patch classes. Then at oracle::instance level I only have one
require to this oracle::patch class. Or create an empty class as an anchor.
All patches will then define before => Class['empty_class'] and all instances
define require => Class['empty_class'].

Any best practices?


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