I read that this doesn't always work on every OS.   However, I'm on
RHEL, and from what I'm reading the following should correctly set /

    @user { "myuser":
        require    => Group['staff'],
        ensure     => present,
        uid        => '2345',
        gid        => '90',
        shell      => '/bin/bash',
        comment    => 'myuser',
        home       => '/home/myuser',
        managehome => true,
        password   => "$1$BfhBSUJv$ajfjgfhdskdgfljkfdglkjfdlkfd.",  #
fake hash for this post

It creates the user and dependency, but doesn't touch /etc/shadow.

I need to be able to set this hash with the virtual user for the
systems we manage.    Is there some workaround for this, or is my
syntax incorrect?

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