Hi everyone,
i'm trying to apply the fully qualified variables aspect in my puppet code
and one of variables i use is an array

in template file i wrote the following :

> '<%=scope.lookupvar('class_name::params::mongodb_dbname')%>'
> <% if has_variable?(scope.lookupvar('class_name::params::replicas')) then
> %>
> host='mongodb://<%=scope.lookupvar('class_name::params::replicas').join(",")%>',
> username='<%=scope.lookupvar('class_name::params::mongodb_username')%>',
> password='<%=scope.lookupvar('class_name::params::mongodb_password')%>')
> <% else %>
> host='<%=scope.lookupvar('class_name::params::dbhost')%>',
> username='<%=scope.lookupvar('class_name::params::mongodb_username')%>',
> password='<%=scope.lookupvar('class_name::params::mongodb_password')%>')
> <% end %>

that works fine for both username and password but in case of $replicas OR
even $dbhost it doesn't work as expected

snippet from params.pp :

  $replicas = $mongodb_replicas

  $dbhost = $mongodb ? {
>     ''      => "$::ec2_local_hostname",
>     default => "$mongodb"
>   }

and $mongodb_replicas is defined in nodes.pp for the time being

but after deployment the output line was :

connect(MONGO_DATABASE_NAME, host='', username='correct_username',
> password='correct_password')

any idea what's wrong with these lines

Thanks in advance

Best Regards,
Eslam Mamdouh El Husseiny
*Systems Administrator**
Cloud Niners Ltd.

*Cellular: (+2) 011 198 40 40
Mansoura: (+2) 050 234 70 81
Cairo:    (+2) 022 *268 34 60
Fax:      (+2) 022 268 34 63

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