Is it a known issue that you can't use the $environment variable in an
"import" line? This is from site.pp on a system using environments,
and it doesn't work:

notify { 'environment_notify':
        message => "NOTICE: This system is being configured with the
environment ${environment}."

import "environments/$environment/nodes/*.pp"

err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on
SERVER: Could not parse for environment production: Syntax error at
'environments/' at /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp:27 on node foobar

I can change it to:

import "environments/production/nodes/*.pp"

..and things work. I get the message:

notice: NOTICE: This system is being configured with the environment production.

I'm on server and client version 2.6.4. Please let me know if there's
a workaround here. I've tried things like ${environment} and various
ways of quoting and not quoting.

twitter: @procnetdev

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