I'm having issues getting puppet to work properly on our servers. we
have puppet allready running on our linux servers however are unable
to have the puppet agent run on windows.

the log displays only the following:

Puppet (notice): Starting Puppet client version 2.7.11
Puppet (err): Could not run: fork() function is unimplemented on this

The only modules the servers load is:

node 'win2' {
  include windows-admin

This is the the contents of the module:

class windows-admin {
  user { "Administrator":
    ensure      => present,
    password    => 'w5&X341144!'

This works properly if running it as a test and sets the password. As
soon as you start the service and the log fills up with:
Puppet (err): Could not run: fork() function is unimplemented on this


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