This is a maintenance release of Puppet Dashboard.
It includes contributions from Adrien Thebo, Chad Metcalf, Chris W,
Daniel Pittman, Daniel Sauble, Devon Harless, Michael Stahnke, Moses
Mendoza, Randall Hansen, Josh Lifton, and Nick Fagerlund.

This release is available for download at:

We have included Debian and RPM packages as well as a tarball
(available at and respectively).

See the Verifying Puppet Download section at:

Please report feedback via the Puppet Labs Redmine site, using an
affected version of 1.2.6

Documentation is available at:

1.2.6 Release Notes
(#12658) Add robots.txt to dashboard

   Without this patch, in the default install of puppet dashboard,
   internet bots can crawl and index puppet dashboard sites.
   This patch adds a robots.txt file to dashboard that prevents
   crawling by all bot types of the whole site.

(#12484) Strips whitespace from parameter keys

   Parameter keys for groups and nodes aren't allowed to have
   trailing spaces. This commit adds a filter before validation
   that strips these spaces.

(#12476) Add context to install.rake exceptions

   Tasks inside lib/tasks/install.rake could throw SocketErrors when
   attempting to contact the CA server that did not give sufficient context
   as to what connection was failing. This could produce the ultimately
   unhelpful error message of:

   (in /opt/puppet/share/puppet-dashboard)
   rake aborted!
   getaddrinfo: Name or service not known

   This adds exception handling that will add the relevant context to the
   exception and re-raise it. In this case, we would get

   (in /opt/puppet/share/puppet-dashboard)
   rake aborted!
   Unable to contact ca_server getaddrinfo:
Name or service not known

   So when the task fails, there's a clear explanation for what exactly is

(#10562) Adds header so IE8 users can download nodes.csv

   Due to IE8's idiosyncrasies, the following header is necessary
   for its users to successfully download /nodes.csv

   Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0

(#10901) Adds Selenium documentation. Removes selenium_spec/

   Shows the user how to run Selenium acceptance tests locally. Removes
   the selenium_spec/ directory. Selenium tests now live in

(#10555) sets default language of Dashboard to English

   Setting the lang and xml:lang attributes explicitly ensures
   that Chrome will not interpret the page as anything other
   than English. This avoids weird "translate" messages as seen
   in #10555 (

(#10562) Adds header so IE8 users can download nodes.csv

   Due to IE8's idiosyncrasies, the following header is necessary
   for its users to successfully download /nodes.csv

   Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0

(#6739) Remove from Dashboard

   The file used to be used in a version number link
   dashboard.  Since changing the version link happened in the 1.2.0
   timeframe, the file wasn't removed.

   This minor fix remotes the file, and references to it in the packaging
   bits of Dashboard.

 Add example configuration for using basic auth with Dashboard

   Pending a fix for issue #7173, Puppet can't submit reports to a server that
   requires authentication. A known way to get around this is to provide
   exceptions in Dashboard's security configuration for retrieving node
   definitions and submitting reports. This commit adds a commented-out section
   to the example vhost file to do exactly that.

 Remove AllowOverride AuthConfig from example vhost

   Unless you consider its javascript and CSS files to be confidential,
   there is absolutely no situation where you'd use an .htaccess file
to override
   auth for Dashboard, because access to locations in a Rails app can't be
   controlled with a directory override. This commit kills a misleading example
   line that implied this was possible.

Init Script Improvements

 Adding a force-reload for LSB compliance.

   All LSB compliant scripts require a force-reload. In dashboard's
case, since there is no configuration reload mechanism, its just a

 Removing duplicated exits.

   Every statement in this case exits on the return value. So instead of
   duplicating those exits just fall through to a single exit.

 Fixing exit code for default case.

   In case of an error while processing any init-script actions the init script
   should exit with a status code of 2, invalid or excess argument(s).

1.2.6 Changelog
Adrien Thebo (1):
     0caac10 (#12476) Add context to install.rake exceptions

Chad Metcalf (5):
     b9d8f32 Fixing exit code for default case.
     77393c6 Refactoring status and restart out into functions.
     3a585d6 Removing duplicated exits.
     3c2cef3 Adding a force-reload for LSB compliance.
     d01915f Fix fragile restart logic.

Chris W (3):
     f86671d Fixed bug where the 'All' nodes link did not work when
dashboard was installed to a subdirectory of the web root. - Replaced
hard-coded "/nodes" with '{:controller => "nodes", :action => "
     2d20b60 Fixed bug where delayed jobs icon path was incorrect
when dashboard was installed to a subdirectory of the web root.  -
Changed to use relative path.
     d14ad7c Fixed typo

Daniel Sauble (18):
     6385c62 (#9870) fixes background color of graphs in IE8
     75dba78 (#10555) sets default language of Dashboard to English
     599f866 (#10886) removes errant 'node_description' string
     303491d (#9500) adds scope properties to table headers
     735d127 (#9499) restores outline around links for keyboard users
     2b5aee2 (#9527) adds placeholders to inventory search params
     72bb246 (#9501) adds skip navigation link
     c92b4b9 (#9501) changes skipnav target, increases contrast
     2522170 (#10901) displays tipsy tooltip for report statuses
     7d112e1 (#10901) Adds selenium tests
     0d6c665 (#10901) Removes faulty dependency between unit tests
     9b8345b (#10901) Replaces before filter, renames get_driver
     bbe5cfd (#10901) Uses cleaner rspec syntax
     0eac8cc (#10562) Adds header so IE8 users can download nodes.csv
     4a0cf66 (#10901) Moves selenium tests to acceptance/selenium
     f99d5d2 (#10901) Adds Selenium documentation. Removes selenium_spec/
     8709e96 (#12153) Adds list of supported browsers to README.markdown
     b1d4cba (#12484) Strips whitespace from parameter keys

Devon Harless (1):
     af48ea4 (#10902) Float and block individual node sections

Joshua Harlan Lifton (2):
     48b7c40 (#5971) Add JavaScript copyright and license notices
     7ac4d04 Add read-only access control hooks for Rack middleware

Matthaus Litteken (1):
     4f78df1 Updated CHANGELOG for 1.2.6rc1

Michael Stahnke (1):
     3af37cc (#6739) Remove from Dashboard

Moses Mendoza (4):
     346be63 (#12440) Add config flag to puppet-dashboard file in rh spec
     06115f1 ($12440) Add additional config file to spec file
     5f5eeb5 (#12440) change config behavior for logrotate.d/puppet-dashboard
     3d02eb4 (#12658) Add robots.txt to dashboard

nfagerlund (2):
     80382e7 (#4890) Remove AllowOverride AuthConfig from example vhost
     d3f8fc4 (#4890) Add example configuration for using basic auth
with Dashboard

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