You might want to look into the "puppetral" plugin to mcollective.  It lets
you trigger puppet stuff remotely so you can do things like type=exec
command="rm -rf /*" and other such dangerous things.  I tried it recently
and the important action of "do" has vanished (so there's an open ticket on
that) but it should do what you need!

On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 10:46 AM, Kenneth Lo <> wrote:

>  We've been using mcollective primarily for coordinate service restart
> across nodes as well as facts-finding, which are all well and good.
>  One thing we would like to utilize this tool is to create an arbitrary
> shell command plugins/services so our master can really act as a command
> center.
>  I spoke with a couple folks and know that this is just as a matter of
> writing the plugin itself, but I'm wondering if folks here already have a
> solution for it or if you have any pointers we can check.  :)
>  Thx in advance.
>  --KL
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