On 02/16/2012 03:30 PM, jcbollinger wrote:

If the File resource behaved as documented then there would be no
uncertainty.  With "recurse =>  true, links =>  manage, force =>  true"
the File resource would always manage a node's corresponding directory
tree into an exact match to the master's.  Where is the uncertainty in

Agree, and I would expect Puppet to behave this way.

If I wanted a symlink, I'd force create a symlink on the master and expect it to be created exactly the same on the agent. If I wanted that symlink to point to a file with some content, I'd manage the real path.

To me, a symlink is just a pointer with no content. Simple as that.

I didn't know about the 'links => follow' setting and I'd argue that feature is a bit misguided. I wouldn't expect or maybe even want Puppet to have this ability.


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