On Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 10:24 AM, Raffael Schmid <raff...@yux.ch> wrote:

> Hi Kelsey
> On Fri, 10 Feb 2012, Kelsey Hightower wrote:
> > > Check minehttps://github.com/luxflux/puppet-openvpn, I think it is
> > > complete. Or which options are you missing?
> >
> > Raffael, cool module, how can I help you get that on the Puppet Forge:
> > http://forge.puppetlabs.com. Looks like you are only missing a
> > metadata file and an account on the Forge.
> I've got an account on the Forge and wanted to put it there... I
> dunno why I failed :) Think it's because it misses some tests...?
> Are they needed? Whats the easiest way to generate a metadata file?

The tests are not required.

One way to generate the metadata file is to use the puppet module tool:

Once you have it installed run the generate command:

puppet-module generate username-modulename

You can grab the Modulefile from there and add it to your git repo. Once
you have a Modulefile you can use the puppet-module build command to
generate a release package.

Kelsey Hightower
Solutions Engineer
Puppet Labs

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