It's bound to be sub-optimal, but I too found puppet-lvm hard to get started with. Firstly, I took a long time to discover that I needed to set pluginsync to get the module copied to all hosts:-
augeas { "puppet-pluginsync": context => "/files/etc/puppet/puppet.conf/main", changes => "set pluginsync true", # notify => Service[puppet], } In this, the notify is commented out. It shouldn't be, but until I can upgrade to 2.7, I think I am being bitten by an old bug which prevents the daemon being restarted. I couldn't make parameterisation work. Secondly, like another poster, my initial host setup creates system volumes with kickstart. I use puppet to add subsequent data volumes which may be required for a specific project. I have given up trying to parameterise this, so it is less than flexible. One example, for a project-specific equivalent of /tmp is split into two parts:- class lvm_a3 { import "puppet-lvm" physical_volume { "/dev/sda3" : ensure => present, } volume_group { "vga" : ensure => present, physical_volumes => "/dev/sda3", } Physical_volume["/dev/sda3"] -> Volume_Group["vga"] } class lvm_gypsy { Volume_group["vga"] -> Logical_volume["gypsy"] Logical_volume["gypsy"] -> Filesystem["/dev/vga/gypsy"] Filesystem["/dev/vga/gypsy"] -> Mount["/export/space/gypsy"] File["/export"] -> File["/export/space"] File["/export/space"] -> File["/export/space/gypsy"] File["/export/space/gypsy"] -> Mount["/export/space/gypsy"] Mount["/export/space/gypsy"] -> File["/export/space/gypsy/tmp"] logical_volume { "gypsy" : ensure => present, volume_group => "vga", size => "50G", } filesystem { "/dev/vga/gypsy" : ensure => present, fs_type => "ext3", } file { "/export" : ensure => directory, mode => "644", } file { "/export/space" : ensure => directory, mode => "644", } file { "/export/space/gypsy" : ensure => directory, mode => "611", } mount { "/export/space/gypsy" : atboot => true, device => "/dev/vga/gypsy", ensure => mounted, fstype => "ext3", options => "defaults,nofail", name => "/export/space/gypsy", dump => "0", pass => "1", } file { "/export/space/gypsy/tmp" : ensure => directory, owner => "root", mode => "1777", } tidy { "/export/space/gypsy/tmp": age => "36h", recurse => inf, type => mtime, } import "puppet-lvm" } These two classes are one-per-file. You will see that the second one goes on to tidy up stale scratch files... Chris Ritson (Computing Officer and School Safety Officer) Room 707, Claremont Tower, EMAIL: School of Computing Science, PHONE: +44 191 222 8175 Newcastle University, FAX : +44 191 222 8232 Newcastle upon Tyne, UK NE1 7RU. WEB : -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at