Hi Cody. Can you please help me in this.

Thanks in advance,
Sateesh B.

On Feb 3, 10:38 am, sateesh <bbalasate...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Cody,
> Thanks for your response.
> As Specified by you I understood this way. Please correct me if I am
> wrong.
> 1) I will be having a ready new VM with Ubuntu installed. So I dont
> need to execute the step "puppet node create --image ami-2342a94a --
> keypair jeff --type t1.micro" in the 
> linkhttps://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-cloud-provisioner.
> 2) In the step ssh -i ~/.ssh/jeff.pem
> r...@ec2-107-20-18-142.compute-1.amazonaws.com, I can replace the
> amazon url with my local VM IP. (Ex: xx.xxx.xx.xxx).
> 3) The command "puppet node install --login root --keyfile ~/.ssh/
> jeff.pem ec2-107-20-18-142.compute-1.amazonaws.com" (replaced with my
> local IP) will install the puppet on the specified IP.
> 4) Command "ssh r...@ec2-107-20-18-142.compute-1.amazonaws.com puppet
> --version" will display the puppet version of the newly installed
> local IP. (Will the puppet is installed with the new version. And how
> can we specify the which version to install in this step.)
> The next step is now I need to install some modules that are located
> in the server on to newly created IP. I think in chef the server will
> copy on to the new VM in /tmp location and install the modules on that
> IP. After installing it will delete the copied module. So, is there
> any mechanism in Puppet.
> Also, in chef if we bootstrap any vm, that will be registered as agent
> to the server and logs what modules have been installed on that
> machine. There is a search functionality where we can get the list of
> IP's where a particular module has been installed (by writing a query
> in the recipe).
> Thanks in advance,
> Sateesh B.
> On Feb 2, 10:24 pm, Cody Herriges <c.a.herri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Feb 2, 2012, at 5:18 AM, sateesh wrote:
> > > Hi Cody,
> > > Probably that may also solve my problem.
> > > My requirement is I need to run a command line that takes the IP,
> > > user, password and module to be installed on that IP. By giving that
> > > command it should install that module on that IP.
> > > So, in chef after doing that command (it is knife bootstrap), the new
> > > IP will be installed with chef and registers with the server along
> > > with installing the specified recipe. In dashboard we can see what all
> > > the agents are associated to that server.
> > > Also, is there any Dashboard where we can manage the clients that are
> > > registered to the Puppet server.
> > Ah!  So the end goal is to really just be able to bootstrap puppet on a 
> > machine, not necessarily run an arbitrary module?  If that is the case you 
> > should look at the following 
> > module,https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-cloud-provisioner.  Yes it 
> > says it is for provisioning cloud instances but it is in fact two faces.  
> > One for launching aws nodes and another for bootstrapping Puppet, via SSH.  
> > Last I checked the install via SSH did require keys though, wouldn't allow 
> > for passwords to be given on the command line.  I think there is already a 
> > feature request for passwords.
> > --
> > Cody Herriges
> > Professional Service Engineer - Puppet Labs
> > pgp key: 0x5DB77142 @ pgp.mit.edu

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