> In this case, the link between the differring blocks should be
> externalized from your ldap module (e.g. the ldap module should care
> about stuff related to ldap.. not about relations to other modules).
> You could put the order declaration in a "node type" or "node role" kind
> of class that you include in your node.
> say:
> class mysql_server_role {
>  include ldap_authentication_role # which declares whatever is needed
>                                   # for ldap support
>  include mysql
>  Class['Ldap'] -> Class['Mysql']
> }

I see your point and we allready have this role setup in place.
But also maintaining ordering declarations for every module that we include
is gonna be a painfull, especially if you have, as we, widespread use of
common defines that also impose their own ordering.

A system simular to stages, but with the ability to assign stages to more
then just a class

This would allow me to do the following:

define portage_useflag_override() {
  File{ "":
     stage => useflag

define hyves_package($category) {
   package{ "":
     stage => package

Class portage {
  exec {"emerge --sync": }

Class ldap {

   notify{"done ldap": }

Stage['portage-setup'] -> Stage['useflag'] -> Stage['package'] ->
Stage['ldap'] -> Stage['main']

Class{"portage": stage => portage-setup; }
Class{"ldap": stage => ldap; }


And have an execution order like this one:

exec['emerge --sync'] -> portage_useflag_override["test"] ->
hyves_package["nss-switch"] -> notify["done ldap"]

The two foremost gains with such an approach would be that cross-module
ordering could worked out using stages.
While the few modules that deliver common services used by other modules,
through defines, can work without complicated, possibly cross-stage,
dependency chains.


 and not dependency chains that would need to cross stages.

> --
> Gabriel Filion

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