On Jan 27, 7:20 am, Felix Frank <felix.fr...@alumni.tu-berlin.de>
> Hi John,
> thanks for coming up with such elaborate ideas, your input to this group
> adds a lot of meat to many discussions.
> I can agree with a lot of what you wrote, barring the following remarks:
> On 01/26/2012 06:00 PM, jcbollinger wrote:
> > Modules provide definitions of resources that they own.  For the most
> > part, those definitions should be virtual to avoid unnecessary inter-
> > module coupling, but some resources are reasonable to define
> > concretely.
> Jeff has made a strong point against using virtual resources in modules
> at all, causing me to shift my own views as well.
> If I understand him correctly, one of the chief problems is the high
> probability of accidental collection/realisation of such resources by
> the end user's manifest.

The core problem to solve is that multiple modules may depend on the
same resources, but each resource can be defined only once.

If modules' resource requirements were invariant then I could be
satisfied with documenting them and requiring the user to provide them
concretely; indeed, that's not very far from what I just proposed.  On
the contrary, however, whether a particular resource is needed by some
module may depend on which of that module's classes are used, and on
which parameters and external data are supplied.  This approach
therefore has its own inherent problem for users: to avoid declaring
unneeded resources.

Given a choice between the problems of avoiding declaring unneeded
resources and of avoiding collecting unwanted resources, I would
choose the latter.  It is easier to deal with, and failure to
completely solve it is no more costly than failure to solve the
alternative problem.

> On 01/26/2012 06:48 PM, jcbollinger wrote:
> > I can imagine many -- perhaps most -- resource definitions being
> > replaced or supplemented by constraint declarations.
> The model is intriguing, but gives me another usability headache.

>From a usability perspective, I think this is a far better proposal
than anything else on the table:
(+) It enables modules to declare their requirements more precisely,
reducing the risk of modules compiling and applying correctly, but
nevertheless failing to achieve the desired configuration.
Constraints are the only proposal currently on the table that provide
(+) A key aspect is that it allows Puppet to pinpoint and diagnose
conflicts at compilation time.
(+) Furthermore, it allows each module to express *only* its
requirements, ignoring properties that it doesn't care about (though
other modules might care about them).  In fact, it rewards modules for
doing so by making them more interoperable.
(+) It does not rely on virtual resources (though it is compatible
with them), so it does not impose any risk of accidental resource
(+) It could be implemented in a manner that forestalls inter-module
parse order dependencies.

The main cost I see is:
(-) It creates a new distinction between resource properties that are
explicitly specified in resource definitions and those that are not.
For this reason (at least), such a feature could not be introduced
until Telly at the earliest.

That cost is incurred, however, only in manifest sets that use
Constraints, and then only with respect to resources that are targeted
by Constraints.  It is anyway not a usability issue, but rather an
upgrade / conversion / compatibility issue.

> Wouldn't this put an end to self-contained modules?

No.  What makes you think it would?  I think it allows modules to be
*more* self-contained than they currently are.

> I wrote in a latter mail (is this the same thread? Sorry, I use this
> only through Thunderbird and get confused sometimes) how I see need for
> explicit module dependencies and a system that can automatically
> download required modules from the forge. I can see this supplementing
> your idea of constraints nicely, but without it, downloading modules
> could quickly become a nightmare for users.

I have considered that possibility, essentially a package management
system for Puppet modules.  Although such a thing could undoubtedly be
implemented, I don't think it would be very suitable for addressing
the inter-module dependency problem.  Package management systems such
as yum and apt rely on the fact that software dependency graphs are
more or less trees, but I don't think module dependency graphs tend to
be anywhere near as treelike.  I suppose module repository managers
could enforce tree-shaped dependency graphs, but that imposes the
tool's requirements on the problem space instead of relying on a tool
that suits well in the first place.

I do not mean to say that a tool that automatically downloaded and
installed modules from the Forge would be useless -- far from it.  I
just don't think that it would adequately address the inter-module
dependency issue, and therefore I would recommend that such a tool not
even try to do so.  It solves an altogether different problem.


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