
I have this stupid exec on a bash script but bear with me. Works OK on
an ancient 0.xx Puppet setup. But not on 2.7.9.

$command = "( /apps/path/scripts/install.sh || true )  && touch /etc/

        exec { install:
            command     => "$command",
            cwd         => "/apps/path/scripts",
            path        => "/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin",
            timeout     => 600,
            logoutput   => false,
            unless      => 'test -f /etc/puppet.script.done'

Whilst this command works OK on Solaris manually running under Puppet
gives me:-

/Exec[install]/returns: change from notrun to 0 failed: Could not find
command '('

Have tried all manner of escaping and single/double quote combos

Any ideas on how to make this work ?


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