It's an interesting question, but I wouldn't want to structure my
modules that way.  There are two methods of getting data into a define
that are guaranteed to work: passing variables and file retrieval
(extlookup/hiera).  Especially given the changes being made to scoping
anything else is fraught with peril.

On Mon, Dec 26, 2011 at 5:56 AM, Trevor Vaughan <> wrote:
> I just ran into an interesting scenario where I didn't know how to
> scope my variables and I'd just like to share for the crowd.
> Suppose you have two modules 'foo' and 'bar'. You also have two
> defines, 'foo::do_stuff' and 'bar::more_stuff'.
> define foo::do_stuff (
>  $var1 = 'a',
>  $var2 = 'b'
> ) {
>  bar::more_stuff { 'test': }
> }
> define bar::more_stuff (
>  $optional_var = 'ignore'
> ) {
>  file { '/tmp/test':
>    content => template('bar/random.erb')
> }
> +++ random.erb +++
> var1 = <%= var1 %>
> var2 = <%= var2 %>
> So, here, puppet complains about the scope of var1 and var2 but what
> should the correct scope be? foo::do_stuff::var1, etc...? But how does
> that work with multiple define calls to foo::do_stuff?
> This, of course, can be avoided by putting the template under
> foo/templates and forcing the passage of content to bar::more_stuff
> but I'm not quite sure *why* this isn't supposed to work and what to
> do about it with the notice that 2.8 will force the scoping of all
> variables.
> Thanks,
> Trevor
> --
> Trevor Vaughan
> Vice President, Onyx Point, Inc
> (410) 541-6699
> -- This account not approved for unencrypted proprietary information --
> --
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