info here <http://example42.com/?q=puppi_deployments> download from 
 is a Puppet module made exactly for application deployments.
You can deploy war files with a define like:
puppi::project::war { "myapp":
    source           => "http://repo.example42.com/deploy/prod/myapp.war";,
    deploy_root      => "/store/tomcat/myapp/webapps",
    report_email     => "sysadm...@example42.com",    
Want to restart tomcat to avoid hot deploys? Add the argument:
      init_script => "tomcat", 

Want to run a custom script before (or after) the deployment? Add 
      predeploy_command => "/path/to/my/script.sh", 

Note that the above define makes you able, on from the host where you 
defined the resource, to issue the command (via shell, collective, cron job 
or at the end of a continuous deployment procedure) :
*puppi deploy myapp*

If you want to perform the deployment directly during the puppet run, you 
should add the define:
puppi::run { "myapp": }

And, btw, there are puppy defines to manage, in a similar direct and easy 
way, deployments of tar balls, zip archives, files from a given list, 
artifacts built by Maven and son on...

Hope it helps

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