On 19/12/11 12:05, ollies...@googlemail.com wrote:
> Thanks,
> On our older infrastrcture if we wanted to scale out we just copied
> the ssldir and changed the filenames to the FQDN of the new master
> server. certdnsnames would be wildcarded.

The problem with this way of scaling is that you won't be able to revoke
a certificate. The reason is that more than one certificate can have the
same serial.

I believe it's better to dedicate a master to be a CA only master. Then
you point your clients to this ca.
If you fear the SPOF, then you can use a pair of CA server sharing
ssldir either through rsync or anything else allowing sharing files.

> Now using 2.7.9 how do we do certificates so we could scale out
> horizontally from behind this loadbalancer ?

There's no reasons you can't do what you were doing before upgrading to
the 2.7.9 version. If what you were doing doesn't work anymore, then it
might be a bug you should report.

> Tring this approach leads now to this:-
> # puppet cert --list --all
> warning: The `certdnsnames` setting is no longer functional,
> after CVE-2011-3872. We ignore the value completely.
> For your own certificate request you can set `dns_alt_names` in the
> configuration and it will apply locally.  There is no configuration
> option to
> set DNS alt names, or any other `subjectAltName` value, for another
> nodes
> certificate.
> Alternately you can use the `--dns_alt_names` command line option to
> set the
> labels added while generating your own CSR.
> - <CLIENT FQDN> (FA:C4:68:C1:30:E2:95:9E:48:AB:ED:E4:A7:BF:3F:19)
> (certificate signature failure)
> Going around in circles somewhat trying to get a modern puppet setup
> with a potential to scale horizontally.

The command just complains about the certdnsnames option that has been
removed. You can stil use dns_alt_names to generate clients and/or
server certificates with embedded subjectAltName extension.

Brice Figureau
My Blog: http://www.masterzen.fr/

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