
The CA server is the most difficult part to architect in a load balancer situation as it's the one thing that doesn't cluster that well. The idea is to keep your certificate store in sync across servers. Some people rsync, some people use shared storage, some people don't care and have just one CA server or use multiple copies of the same CA signing cert - that causes problems if you ever want to revoke a certificate as the serials aren't the same from server to server.

What I've done in the past is have a single CA server that's also an LVS load balancer. The CA (which is actually a puppet master in it's own right) listens on 8141 and the software load balancer on 8140 directing Puppet requests to a pool of Puppet Masters. It had it's single points of failure but that was something we were ok to live with.

The absolute nicest option is to use a bundled certificate authority where all CAs are signed by some higher level Cert, then most of these problems go away. Last I heard this was broken in Puppet / Ruby. That was early this year and Puppet / Ruby has progressed a lot so maybe people have got it working now - I'd be very interested in hearing from anyone who has.

As for the CA being in Passenger, this is trivial if you've got your Puppet Masters that compile manifests already in Passenger. The CA Puppet Master is still a standard Puppet Master, you've just split the (very small) CA signing workload from the manifest compiling workload.

I haven't read Pro Puppet but I can guess why you might want a primary/secondary, hot stand by or highly-available CA if you're environment is doing a lot of machine rebuilds - if Puppet isn't very integral to your environment then maybe you can wear the cost of losing your only CA server and either restoring it from backup or replacing every machine's Puppet certs (not too difficult with MCollective, really). If your CA goes down it only prevents signing of new machines, existing ones should still work fine.

As for the actual config, take a look at the puppet.conf ca_port and ca_server options that will allow you to direct an Agent's certificate operations to a different server/port.

Hope that helps,


On 15/12/11 11:01, ollies...@googlemail.com wrote:

I have a desire to have separate primary/secondary CA servers, and
separate puppet master servers running behind a load balancer
(ultimately an F5 but will use an Apache mod_proxy.. setup initially
to test).

The Pro Puppet books suggest this with everything running with
Passenger which is fine but is it really necessary for the CA's or is
there an alternative ? Anyone got any example config's that I can crib
off. If that's the best way then I can start with that and think about
the SSL issues that will inevitably arise.

Any pointers would be much appreciated.


Luke Bigum
Information Systems
+44 (0) 20 3192 2520
luke.bi...@lmax.com | http://www.lmax.com
LMAX, Yellow Building, 1A Nicholas Road, London W11 4AN

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