I know it has been discussed several time and "notify" is the "magic
word" to use here but it's not working here; my case is a bit
different. This is what I have:

define line_check($fname, $line, $bool = 'false') {

    exec { "/bin/echo '${line}' >> '${fname}'":
        unless        => "/bin/grep -q '^$line' '$fname'",
        refreshonly => "$bool";

class zmfs::config {

    zmfs::defined::line_check {'auto.master':
        fname   => '/etc/auto.master',
        line       => '/zmfs /etc/auto.zmfs',
        notify    => Class['zmfs::service'];

class zmfs::service {
    service { 'autofs':
        enable       => true,
        ensure       => running,
        hasstatus   => true,
        hasrestart   => true,
        status         => 'service zmfs probe',
        require       => Package['zmfs','zmfs-init-scripts'];

So, I'm expecting, whenever "/etc/auto.master" is modified, autofs
service will be restarted but that's not case I see here. What am I

Another question: Can I just do "service { 'autofs':" or "service
{ 'nfs':" (or any given standard unix/linux service) just like that?
I'm wondering if that part is being completely ignored.


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