
my answer is inline..

On 14.12.2011, at 11:09, Edd Grant wrote:

> Hi All,
> I'm trying to write a module which unpacks an archive to a specified 
> location, the idea is as follows:
> Let's say I'm trying to deploy an archive of grails-1.3.7
> Check that a directory exists at $targetDir/grails-1.3.7
> If it does, do nothing
> If it doesn't then do the following...
> Copy grails-1.3.7.zip from the module source to $targetDir
> Unpack to $targetDir/grails-1.3.7
> Delete the archive so we don't end up with mess in our directories
> I have this mostly working, i.e. the code below performs all of the steps 
> above successfully, but for some reason I cannot stop steps 4 and onwards 
> from happening every time Puppet applies the manifests, irrespective of 
> whether the $targetDir/grails-1.3.7 directory already exists.
> Here's the code
> Module code: modules/archive/unpack.pp
> define archive::unpack($archiveName,
>                                   $appName,
>                                   $archiveDir,
>                                   $targetDir,
>                                   $pathFolder,
>                                   $owner = "root",
>                                   $group = "root",
>                                   $mode = "644") {
>   #Set the extraction command appropriately based on the archive type.
>   $command = $archiveName ? {
>     /(^.*\.tar\.gz$)|(^.*\.tgz$)/ => "/bin/tar zxf $targetDir/$archiveName",
>     /(^.*\.tar$)/ => "/bin/tar xf $targetDir/$archiveName",
>     /^.*\.zip$/ => "/usr/bin/unzip $targetDir/$archiveName",    
>     default => "Error: Could not detect archive type from archive name 
> ($archiveName), cannot unpack. Supported types: .tar.gzip, .zip",
>   }
>   # Check if the unpacked archive directory exists
>   # the idea here was to have all subsequent actions
>   # subscribe to the outcome of this check so that the archive
>   # would only be copied, unpacked, chowned and chmodded if
>   # the directory specified by this exec did not exist. This doesn't seem
>   # to work though since "copy_archive_$name" always seems to be invoked
>   # irrespective of the outcome of the onlyif condition in this exec.
>   exec { "check_unpacked_archive_exists_$name":
>     command => "/bin/echo '$targetDir/$appName does not exist, it will be 
> created.'",
>     cwd => $targetDir,
>     creates => "$targetDir/$appName",
>     onlyif => "/usr/bin/test ! -d $targetDir/$appName",
>     logoutput => true,
>   }

The command will only get executed in case that $targeDir/$appName does not 
The command will always return 0 !!

>   # copy file from puppet master to local system
>   file { "copy_archive_$name":
>     path => "$targetDir/$archiveName",
>     source => "$archiveDir/$archiveName",
>     replace => false,
>     subscribe => Exec["check_unpacked_archive_exists_$name"],
>   }

Here you subscribe to the exec resource.
Exec resource will get parsed but the command will not run
What you want is
require => Exec[...]

Using require instead of subscribe will make sure that the file resource will 
only be done if the exec resource command is executed.

>    # extract local file
>   exec { "unpack_archive_$name":
>     command => $command,
>     cwd => $targetDir,
>     creates => "$targetDir/$appName",
>     refreshonly => true,
>     logoutput => true,
>     subscribe => File["copy_archive_$name"],
>   }

Same here: use require instead of subscribe.

>   # delete copied archive
>   exec { "delete_copied_archive_$name":
>     command => "/bin/rm -f $targetDir/$archiveName",
>     cwd => "$targetDir",
>     subscribe => Exec["unpack_archive_$name"],
>     logoutput => true,
>   }         
> }
Same here.

Kind regards,


> Invocation code:
> class grails {
>   $appName = "grails-2.0.0.M1" 
>   $archiveName = "$appName.zip"
>   $archiveDir = "puppet:///modules/grails"
>   $targetDir = "/usr/local/java"
>   $pathFolder = "bin"
>   $owner = root
>   $group = dev
>   $mode = 6775
>   archive::unpack { "install_$appName": 
>     archiveName => $archiveName,
>     appName => $appName,    
>     archiveDir => $archiveDir,
>     targetDir => $targetDir,
>     pathFolder => $pathFolder,
>     owner => $owner,
>     group => $group,
>     mode => $mode,
>   }
> }
> The frustrating thing is that the exec called 
> "check_unpacked_archive_exists_$name" is definitely only firing when it finds 
> the sought folder to be missing, which is what I want it to do. What I don't 
> understand is why the file called "copy_archive_$name" which subscribes to 
> that exec gets fired everytime. I can't help but think that this would be 
> made much much easier if only the file resource supported 'onlyif'... but 
> while it doesn't does anyone have any insight as to why I'm seeing this issue?
> Cheers,
> Edd
> -- 
> Web: http://www.eddgrant.com
> Email: e...@eddgrant.com
> Mobile: +44 (0) 7861 394 543
> -- 
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