On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 15:13, Justin Lloyd <jstn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Cool, nice to know about the evaltrace option. Interestingly, in the ~1000
> lines of output from "puppetd -t --evaltrace", all are < 1 second and all
> but about 10 are < 0.1 seconds. The total evaluation time is about 5 seconds
> with the other ~30 "missing" seconds taking place between these two lines:
> info: Class[Mcollective]: Evaluated in 0.00 seconds
> info: /Stage[main]/Mcollective/File[plugins-sbin]: Evaluated in 0.00 seconds
> Hopefully I can dig deeper from there.

You probably need to run with '--debug', and look at something that
timestamps the log output lines to track it down.

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