I have a define that looks like this:

define user::sys_user($fullname, $uid, $groups, $shell='/bin/bash',
$authkey, $authkey_type=rsa) {
        $username = "sys_${name}"
        group { $username:
                gid =>  $uid,

        user { $username:
                require => Group[$username],
                ensure => present,
                uid => $uid,
                gid => $uid,
                groups => $groups,
                comment => $fullname,
                shell => $shell,
                managehome => true,
                allowdupe => false,

        ssh_authorized_key { "${username}_authkey":
                user => $username,
                ensure => present,
                key => $authkey,
                type => $authkey_type,

In the user resource, I am requiring the user's default group. I also
want to require supplemental groups if provided by the parameter

Also, is the way I do groups => $groups going to fail if it's empty or
if it's just a string (i.e., defines just one group instead of an

Links to the appropriate documentation would be greatly appreciated of

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