
If you're not managing your own repositories for your own RPMs then second best is the Puppet Labs repo - it will have the latest versions with all the latest bug fixes and features. I'm fairly certain you will need EPEL anyway this for some of the Ruby dependencies (ruby-shadow, ruby-augeas, etc).

In answer to your question about dependencies: No. EPEL should not replace any packages in base RHEL/CentOS - they are extra software that hasn't made it into the mainline (yet).

For your third question, the difference between EPEL and Puppetlabs Repo: EPEL contains a host of extra packages for RHEL/CentOS whereas Puppetlabs Repos will only be for Puppet Labs products. The Puppet Labs repos are generally very fast (you can get an RPM for the latest release in a few days). I'd expect EPEL to be slower, however I know people have been trying to push Puppet into EPEL faster and faster so how far behind the Puppet releases it is I don't know.


On 29/11/11 11:43, seamie wrote:

For some time I have been looking for some solution to manage more
then a few servers. After some time of searching puppet became by
choice :-)
I'd like to deploy it on some testing servers (RH/Centos). Which
repository would you recommend to use as a source of puppet packages ?
I guess that EPEL has newer packages then standard RH/Centos
repositories. But if I use EPEL does it invoke many changes in
standard RH/Centos packages related to packages dependencies ? I am
considering EPEL or yum.puppetlabs.com repositories (what is a
difference between them ?).

Best regards

Luke Bigum
Information Systems
+44 (0) 20 3192 2520
luke.bi...@lmax.com | http://www.lmax.com
LMAX, Yellow Building, 1A Nicholas Road, London W11 4AN

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