Hi Mohamed,

On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 8:10 PM, Mohamed Lrhazi <lrh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> C:\Users\ml623>puppet --version
> 2.7.7
> Puppet complains about a package resource I am trying to use saying:
>  Invalid parameter install_options
> The resource is defined as:
> package { "splunk":
>     name => $gu_splunk::client::splunk_package,
>     provider => 'msi',
>     ensure => installed,
>     source => 'C:\\TEMP\\splunk-4.2.4-110225-x86-release.msi',
>     install_options => { 'INSTALLDIR' => 'C:\\splunk' },
>     notify => Exec["enable_autostart"],
> }

I was able to install the same version of splunk on Windows 2003 (x64):

C:\> puppet apply z:\work\demo\splunk.pp --debug --verbose --trace
debug: Package[splunk](provider=msi): Executing 'msiexec.exe /qn /norestart
/i C:\\TEST\\splunk-4.2.4-110225-x64-release.msi INSTALLDIR=C:\\splunk'
notice: /Stage[main]//Package[splunk]/ensure: created

Can you use the same command above when installing and let me know what the
error is?

What's strange is that puppet is reporting install_options is an invalid
parameter. It is almost as though you have an older
lib/puppet/type/package.rb and/or lib/puppet/provider/package/msi.rb.

Josh Cooper
Developer, Puppet Labs

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