I'm not sure where you execute this, but this sound like a problem
with your path.
For initialization script and such, where you're unsure of the path, I
suggest using the complete path for the command.
For example /usr/bin/puppet and /sbin/shutdown.


On 11 Nov, 20:40, Harish Agarwal <har...@octopart.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm using puppet via a bash script when I spin up a machine to configure
> it.  I'd like to restart the instance after puppet's run is complete.  In
> my bash script I have:
> puppet agent --test
> shutdown -r now
> Puppet runs to completion, but "shutdown -r now" never executes.  I'm not
> sure why not - these are the last two lines in my bash script and
> everything else executes successfully.  Any help would be greatly
> appreciated.
> -Harish

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