Hello together, I have a define which was written by someone else and I am trying to extend it by the $version variable. My Module is called tcserver and it's a type of an apache tomcat. The package of tcserver will be deployed by an rpm via the module. After the installation there are two version of Tomcat which I would like to use. So I would like, that Application 1 is using Tomcat 6 and the other one 7. Here is the config of an example application:
tcserver::instance { 'jira': httpport => '8080', contextfile => 'jira_context.xml', serverfile => 'jira_server.xml', setenvfile => 'jira_setenv.sh', service_enable => false, version => '6.0.33.A.RELEASE', } The define tcserver::instance looks like this: define tcserver::instance( $httpport="${tcserver::params::instance_httpport}", $contextfile="${tcserver::params::instance_contextfile}", $setenvfile="${tcserver::params::instance_setenvfile}", $serverfile="${tcserver::params::instance_serverfile}", $version="${tcserver::params::instance_version}", $service_enable=true, $service_ensure='running' ... (some more) ) { include jdk16 include tcserver include tcserver::params $instance_service_enable = "$service_enable" $instance_service_ensure = "$service_ensure" $instance_httpport = "$httpport" $instance_serverfile = "$serverfile" $instance_setenvfile = "$setenvfile" $instance_version = "$version" ... (some more) file { "/etc/init.d/${instance_name}": path => "/etc/init.d/${instance_name}", mode => "755", owner => "root", group => "root", ensure => present, require => Package["${tcserver::params::packagename}"], content => template("tcserver/tcserver.erb"), } } tcserver::params looks like this: ... (some more) $instance_version = $tcserver_instance_version ? { '' => "6.0.32.B.RELEASE", default => "${tcserver_instance_version}", } ... (some more) After the whole declaration I write it in an template and try to replace it: TOMCAT_VER="<%= scope.lookupvar('tcserver::params::instance_version') %>" After running puppet on the client I get the following in the templated file: TOMCAT_VER="6.0.32.B.RELEASE" Olthough this should be: TOMCAT_VER="6.0.33.A.RELEASE" What am I do wrong? Could you help me? Kind regards -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to puppet-users@googlegroups.com. To unsubscribe from this group, send email to puppet-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/puppet-users?hl=en.