On 12/10/11 19:12, Guy Matz wrote:
> hi! 
> I've seen it reported that there is no official doc for parsedfile; does
> anyone know if this is still true?
> I'm trying to make a new type and getting stuck on how parsedfile works
> . . .  Any help would be appreciated:
> regarding the "Puppet::Type.type(:newType).provide" line:
> 1. What does the ":parsed" label do?  Are there other options?

It's the provider name. I don't think it really matters, except that
there can't be two provider of the same name for a given puppet type.

> 2. Are there other types of ":filetypes" besides ":flat"?  Does labeling
> as :flat have any affect on the parsing?

It looks like there's a handful of variations of crontab formats. Use :flat.

> regarding "record_line":
> 1. can the "name" parameter be anything?  is ":parsed" anything
> special?  Is the name used for anything?

I believe it can be anything. I think the name is used if you ever want
to look up for a given record_line.

> 2. what exactly do the parenthetic groupings do, e.g. /^\s+(.*)=(.*):$/   ?

It's a regex capture.

> 3.  Is there a relationship between the parenthetic groupings and the
> ":fields" label?

Yes. I think the first capture will end up in the first 'field' and so
on for the subsequent capture/field.

> 4. what is the relationship between :fields in provider, "newparams" in
> type & fields in manifest/init.pp?

The role of a given provider is to fill in resource properties and later
on, commit updated properties to the target "physical" resource.
So, yes you need a field per newproperty in the type.

>   4a. Why do i get the following error when I don't have stuff_1 as
> ":optional": Could not evaluate: Field 'stuff_1' is required

We need to see the code to help with specific errors.

> 5. What does :post_parse do?

It allows to run some specific code after the parsing of a given record
line happens. It allows to modify was what read, or munge some values...

> 6 What does :pre_gen do?

It allows to run provider specific code before the to_line operation

> 7 Are there any other "mystery" parameter?

There's at least process, if you want to use your own parsing instead of
relying on the regex. And there is a bunch of options to modify how the
parsing happens.

Check for more information:

Hope that will help you :)
Brice Figureau
My Blog: http://www.masterzen.fr/

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