On 09/29/2011 12:38 AM, Sans wrote:
Thanks Peter!
Custom fact is a great idea but the downside is one needs to create a
custom-fact each for every check you wanna perform. Isn't there
anything a bit more dynamic, like checking the location on fly ( bash
equivalent: if [ -d "/var/torque/mom_priv" ]; ) ?? Cheers!!

On Sep 28, 4:33 pm, Peter Bukowinski<pmb...@gmail.com>  wrote:

I'd create a custom fact that checks for the existence of the mom_priv 
directory -- something like this:

# mom_priv_test.rb
if FileTest.directory?("/var/torque/mom_priv")
     Facter.add("mom_priv_test") do
         setcode { true }

Now you can use this fact to wrap your file resource in an if statement:

class mom_priv_config {
     if $mom_priv_test == 'true' {
         file { '/var/torque/mom_priv/config':
             ensure  =>  present,
             owner    =>  'root',
             group    =>  'root',
             mode    =>  '0644',
             content =>  template('w_nodes/mom_priv-config.tpl'),
             #notify  =>  Service['pbs_mom'],



You can work it around with something like:

exec { 'mkdir -p 0644':
  path => "/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin",
  unless => "[ -d '/var/torque/mom_priv' ]"

Hope this helps.

Dominik Zyla

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