
I don't know the answer to you're problem but have you thought of adding the 
required perms at the point you call the mkdir -p?

In your exec..
=> 'mkdir -p ... && chmod 755 .. && chown root...',

This way you are not managing the resource perms twice in puppet. That may ease 
some of your problems.

On 29/09/2011, at 8:02, rvlinden <rene.vanderlinde...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm using puppet 2.7.3 on RHEL/CentOS and I have an issue which is now
> a big blocking issue within my environment. What I'm trying to
> accomplish wit puppet is a create a mountpoint, mount a filesystem on
> it and install an application on that filesystems are set proper user/
> group and permissions on it, but it fails big time.
> The issues I currently run into are about 3 things
> 1. The file type does not allow multiple directories to be created at
> once ('mkdir -p')
> 2. exec & file type create autorequire dependensies which creates
> dependency cycles
> 3. Puppet does not allow duplicate resouces
> I have a define named "lvm::createfs" and what it does is three things
> 1. Create the mountpoint with an exec {} which used an mkdir -p to
> create multiple directories deep at once
> 2. Create the logical volume with an exec {}
> 3. Mount the logical volume from step 2 onto the directory from step 1
> via Mount {}
> Before the filesystem is mounted, the underlaying directory MUST be
> owned by root:root with permissions 755. If this is incorrect, some
> linux command which do strange things (like the 'rm -R' command)
> Once the filesystem is created and mounted, I use puppet to install
> applications
> After the applications are installed I need to set the application
> files in the filesystem to it's proper owner:group and permissions.
> To do this I have another define named "sysconfig::permissions". All
> this define does is use file {} to set owner, group, mode and recurse.
> Before I moved to puppet 2.7.3, puppet allowed me to do this without
> problems, but since 2.7.3 puppet is more strict and now 60% of al my
> modules fail as I use filesystems, apps and permissions everywhere.
> Based on the documentation I read about exec {}, I can now explain why
> I get dep.cycles, but I'mout of options and have no ideas anymore how
> to get this 'simple normal unix task' to work in puppet.
> These are the relations I created myself within puppet
> 1. exec mkdir /a/b/c => mount /a/b/c => file /a/b/c
> 2. exec logical volume => mount /a/b/c
> This setup does not result in a cycle, but when puppet adds an
> autorequire between exec mkdir /a/b/c and file a/b/c, it causes the
> whole thing to cycle.
> Quote from the manual
> Autorequires: If Puppet is managing an exec’s cwd or the executable
> file used in an exec’s command, the exec resource will autorequire
> those files. If Puppet is managing the user that an exec should run
> as, the exec resource will autorequire that user.
> I don't mind if I have to rewrite my code or start from scratch, but I
> need help to create my mountpoint location with root:root/755 and
> after mounting allow the same location to have a different owner:group/
> permissions.
> These are the defines I use at this moment
> define lvm::createfs (
>  $mountpath = undef,
>  $mountpoint = undef,
>  $lvsize = undef,
>  $fstype = undef,
>  $vgname = undef,
>  $lvname = "${name}",
>  $requisite = '' ) {
>  # Load defaults
>  require lvm::params
>  # Check mountpath equals root
>  $rootpath = $mountpath ? {
>    '/'     => undef,
>    default => $mountpath,
>  }
>  # Create directory tree including subdirectories
>  exec { "${lvm::params::module_label}_mkdir_${mountpath}/$
> {mountpoint}":
>    command => "mkdir -p ${mountpath}/${mountpoint}",
>    onlyif  => "test ! -d ${mountpath}/${mountpoint}",
>    before  => Mount["${rootpath}/${mountpoint}"],
>  }
>  if $requisite != '' {
>    Exec["${lvm::params::module_label}_mkdir_${mountpath}/$
> {mountpoint}"] {
>      require => Mount["${requisite}"],
>    }
>  }
>  # Create logical volume and format filesystem
>  exec { "${lvm::params::module_label}-${vgname}-${lvname}":
>    logoutput => false,
>    command   => "lvcreate -n ${lvname} -L ${lvsize} /dev/${vgname} &&
> mkfs -t ${fstype} /dev/${vgname}/${lvname}",
>    unless    => "lvs | grep -q '${lvname} .*${vgname}'",
>    before    => Mount["${rootpath}/${mountpoint}"],
>  }
>  # Mount filesystem
>  mount { "${rootpath}/${mountpoint}":
>    atboot  => true,
>    device  => "/dev/${vgname}/${lvname}",
>    ensure  => mounted,
>    fstype  => "${fstype}",
>    options => 'defaults',
>    dump    => '1',
>    pass    => '2',
>  }
>  if $requisite != '' {
>    Mount["${rootpath}/${mountpoint}"] {
>      require => Mount["${requisite}"],
>    }
>  }
> } # End define
> define sysconfig::permissions (
>  $sysconfig_module,
>  $sysconfig_name,
>  $sysconfig_recurse = 'false',
>  $sysconfig_owner,
>  $sysconfig_group,
>  $sysconfig_mode = undef ) {
>  # Load defaults
>  require sysconfig::params
>  # Set permissions
>  file { "${sysconfig_module}_${sysconfig_name}":
>    name    => "${sysconfig_name}",
>    recurse => "${sysconfig_recurse}",
>    owner   => "${sysconfig_owner}",
>    group   => "${sysconfig_group}",
>  }
>  if $sysconfig_mode != undef {
>    File["${sysconfig_module}_${sysconfig_name}"] {
>      mode => "${sysconfig_mode}",
>    }
>  }
> } # End define
> I call these define from a application class. In the example below a
> piece of the MQ class.
> class mq {
>  # Create filesystems
>  lvm::createfs {
>    "${mq::params::module_label}_opt_mqm":
>      mountpath  => '/opt',
>      mountpoint => 'mqm',
>      lvname     => 'opt_mqm',
>      lvsize     => '1G',
>      fstype     => 'ext3',
>      vgname     => "${mq::params::vgname_opt}";
>    "${mq::params::module_label}_var_mqm":
>      mountpath  => '/var',
>      mountpoint => 'mqm',
>      lvname     => 'var_mqm',
>      lvsize     => '2G',
>      fstype     => 'ext3',
>      vgname     => "${mq::params::vgname_var}";
>    "${mq::params::module_label}_var_mqm_log":
>      mountpath  => '/var/mqm',
>      mountpoint => 'log',
>      lvname     => 'var_mqm_log',
>      lvsize     => '4G',
>      fstype     => 'ext3',
>      vgname     => "${mq::params::vgname_var}",
>      require    => [
>        Lvm::Createfs["${mq::params::module_label}_var_mqm"],
>      ];
>  }
>  # Overrule ownership and permissions
>  sysconfig::permissions {
>    "${mq::params::module_label}_permissions_$
> {mq::params::base_directory}":
>      sysconfig_module => "${mq::params::module_label}",
>      sysconfig_name   => "${mq::params::base_directory}",
>      sysconfig_owner  => "${mq::params::user_name}",
>      sysconfig_group  => "${mq::params::group_name}",
>      sysconfig_mode   => "${mq::params::base_permissions}",
>      require          => [
>        # Mount["${mq::params::base_directory}"], # creates dep.cycle
>        User["${mq::params::user_name}"],
>      ];
>    "${mq::params::module_label}_permissions_$
> {mq::params::var_directory}":
>      sysconfig_module => "${mq::params::module_label}",
>      sysconfig_name   => "${mq::params::var_directory}",
>      sysconfig_owner  => "${mq::params::user_name}",
>      sysconfig_group  => "${mq::params::group_name}",
>      sysconfig_mode   => "${mq::params::var_permissions}",
>      require          => [
>        # Mount["${mq::params::var_directory}"],  # creates dep.cycle
>        # Mount["${mq::params::log_directory}"],  # creates dep.cycle
>        User["${mq::params::user_name}"],
>      ];
>  }
> }
> -- 
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