>>> I'm launching puppet with 'service puppet restart'.

Do you get any different results if you run it like:

puppet agent -t

Instead of using that service?

Are you absolutely certain there isn't a stray ruby process running
your old 0.25 puppet agent?

> Well, I can't seem to work out what's going on. A 'gem list --local'
> shows only stomp and I can't find any other libraries or binaries
> installed anywhere after removing the puppet and facter RPM's. :(

Can you post your puppet.conf from your client and server?

Are you able to replicate this problem on other nodes? So far we have
only discussed a single node.

The node we have been discussing was 'upgraded' from 0.25 to 2.7
wasn't it? What process did you go through to do the upgrade?

I presume this problem doesn't exist with a brand new node that has
2.7 and has not been upgraded?


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