Hi list,

I'm currently looking at the puppet-virt module at
https://github.com/carlasouza/puppet-virt.git to see if it will work
in my environment and I've run into a Puppet/Ruby problem I don't know
where to begin debugging.

It looks like one of the custom type's parameters is being interpreted
as a method. Some puppet debug output:

[root@host ~]# puppet apply ~/test.pp --debug --verbose
info: Loading facts in mac_to_interface
debug: Puppet::Type::Virt::ProviderLibvirt: Executing '/usr/bin/virt-
install --name f15test04 --ram 4096 --vcpus 2 --noautoconsole --force
--accelerate --disk path=/var/lib/libvirt/images/f15test04/
f15test04.img,size=8 --pxe --network bridge=br10 --nographics'
err: /Stage[main]//Virt[f15test04]/ensure: change from absent to
running failed: Could not set 'running on ensure: undefined method
`interfaces=' for #<Puppet::Type::Virt::ProviderLibvirt:
0x7fdd7b86b9c8> at /root/test.pp:19
notice: Finished catalog run in 1.44 seconds

Running the same manifest again while the VM instance is up and
running (but broken) I get a slightly different error but roughly the
same thing:

err: /Stage[main]//Virt[f15test04]: Could not evaluate: undefined
method `interfaces' for #<Puppet::Type::Virt::ProviderLibvirt:

Here's the test.pp resource to reproduce the problem:

virt { "f15test04":
  hostname      => "f15test04.dev.tradefair",
  desc          => "Fedora 15 test VM 4",
  ensure        => running,
  virt_type     => 'kvm',
  os_type       => 'linux',
  os_template   => 'virtio26',
  virt_path     => '/var/lib/libvirt/images/f15test04/f15test04.img',
  memory        => '4096',
  cpus          => '2',
  graphics      => 'disable',
  disk_size     => '8',
  autoboot      => true,
  interfaces    => "br10",

Does anyone successfully use that module to provision and manage VMs?
Anyone want to take a stab at the error?

Any help is much appreciated.



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