Hi all,

Since upgrading a few test machines from 2.6.7 to 2.7.3, I've noticed 
something slightly odd. Every single run reports 6 skipped resources, yet 
the reports are empty - they only state the execution time as per usual). On 
digging further it seems that the auto-generated Schedule resources 
(type/schedule.rb, line 307) are the entities being skipped, presumably 
because I'm not using them in any of my manifests.

This is leading to a lot of reports with spurious data in them - since I 
don't use schedules, why should I care that Puppet skipped the default ones? 
This wouldn't be an issue, but I'm processing the reports and producing 
emails which summarize activity in the last hour, so for every 2.7.3 node, 
I'm seeing 12 skipped resources per hour, which is noise that swamps the 
real data of resources that have changed for good reason.

Is there a way to disable these default schedules, or the reporting of them? 
I tried "--ignoreschedules" on the commandline, but I get the impression 
that this causes other resources to run outside their normal schedule, 
rather than disabling the schedules themselves.

As a hack, I added "return Array.new" to the self.mkdefaultschedules listed 
above, which stops the resources being generated, but this seems an ugly 
hack, and one I seem to have to make on every node. Is there a better way?


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