I'm just starting out with puppet, and I'm trying to get one of the
new environments I'm managing using puppet.  The site is apache/php,
so I've been trying to use one of the prewritten apache modules...
without any luck... so I've ended up taking snippits of a few
different ones... anyway, I'm getting this error:

err: Could not run Puppet configuration client: Parameter require
failed: No title provided and "libapache2-mod-php5" is not a valid
resource reference

from a class I'm building to define the "site", it looks like this:

# Papercoterie Web Server
class example_www {
        include server_default
        include apache2
        include apache2::ssl

        #modules to install
        $wantedpackages = ["libapache2-mod-php5",]
        package { "libapache2-mod-php5": ensure => installed }

        # enable modules in apache
        apache2::module{"php5": require => "libapache2-mod-php5" }

        # setup site in apache
        apache2::site { 'example.com':
                ensure => 'present',
                priority => 10,
                modules => $modules,
                docroot => "/var/www/example.com/current",

within my module "apache2"

I have a module.pp file that looks like:
define apache2::module( $ensure = 'present', $require = 'apache2' ) {
        case $ensure {
                'present' : {
                        exec { "a2enmod $name":
                                unless => "test ! -e /etc/apache2/mods-
                                notify => Service["apache2"],
                                require => Package[$require],
                'absent': {
                        exec { "a2dismod $name":
                                onlyif => "test ! =e /etc/apache2/mods-
                                notify => Service["apache2"],
                                require => Package["apache2"],
                default: { err ( "Unknown ensure value: '$ensure'" ) }
} # end modules

Currently everything validates and runs fine on the clients (puppet
master is ubuntu 11.04 2.6.4)
Clients will all be ubuntu 10.04 but I have a different PPA installed
for puppet and their version is: 2.6.3.

what am I doing wrong?

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