Passenger 2.2.x or 3.0.x will work with Puppet 2.7.x. If you're using
Rails, stick with 2.3, but you need 2.3.5 or later.

In my case I built a new Puppet server, rsync'ed /etc/puppet/ and /var/
lib/puppet over from the current master, and everything just worked.
I've got some complaints about dynamic scoping to work out, but those
are currently just warnings in prep for when 2.8 breaks those things.


On Aug 24, 9:32 am, Douglas Garstang <> wrote:
> All,
> Can someone give me some ideas as to, or point me to where I can find
> documentation on the issues I may have upgrading puppet from 0.25.4 to the
> latest?
> Also, the server is using passenger, and I know there's a whole lot of magic
> voodoo that has to happen to make sure that the version numbers of all the
> bits are compatible.
> Doug

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