On Aug 22, 2:58 pm, Brad Krane <brad.kr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> John,
> Thanks for the reply. I've tried all of your suggestions above,
> qualifying it as drupal6::drupal6::theme_repo and just theme_repo as
> well as putting the definition in its own file modules/drupal6/
> manifests/theme_repo.pp (and also using the three combinations of
> variable scoping) but I always get a similar result that it cannot
> find the resource.
> This behavior is very odd to me as I've used very similar definitions
> where they include other definitions of the same manifest with no
> issue at all but it seems that for whatever reason specifically with
> this module I get an error when I do so.

Then let's take a step back.  Your class is rather complicated, and
all the details may be confusing (or even causing) the issue.  For
example, you may have a nesting problem that is difficult to see in
all that code.  I suggest putting each 'define' in its own file to
help make things clearer and more maintainable.  Even before that,
however, I suggest getting a much simplified stub working, then
fleshing it out.  So, does this work for you:

class drupal6 {
  drupal6::theme_repo { "foo": }

define theme-repo() {


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